jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Segundo - News - Octubre

Dear Brothers and Friends in Christ,

God keeps using me.  Like Paul, it humbles me that God counts me faithful and that He uses me in his blessed work of salvation.  There is no way to appreciate so much grace and mercy.

Ministry in the Hope Baptist Church
I keep helping in my local church.  I’m not the pastor, but I should be doing the work of the pastor.  I preach and teach in each service.  I visit, give counsel, and administrate.  I’ve begun a teaching plan that will allow us to unify the doctrinal base of the church.  Our church is returning to its normal life after all the work that it took to host the Missions conference for MEBIP (Misión Evangélica Bautista Independiente de Peru).  Lord willing, the 20th of November we’ll have some baptisms.

Youth Event– Fetzer School – La Molina, Lima.
On the 15th of October I preached the Word of God in a youth event that took place in Lima.  I preached to approximately 160 people.  It was a special time for me.  I like to preach the Word of God to young people.  I preached to them that the medicine for sin is Jesus Christ.  I encouraged them to believe and to follow Christ with all their hearts.  They listened with good attention.  There were several young people that dedicated their lives to God and two will follow Christ for the first time. 

Preaching in Cuenca, Ecuador.

From October 3rd through the 10th I was in Cuenca, Ecuador.  I met Pastor Diego Naranjo, who had invited me to preach in the Faith Baptist Church.  I spoke about evangelism, discipleship, and missions.  There were decisions concerning commitment to missions among the majority of the believers.  It was my first time in that church.  I was thrilled to see what God is doing in Cuenca through this church and Pastor Diego.

MEBIP Missions Conference.

This is a late report.  From September 14th through 17th, our church organized the MEBIP missions conference.  The believers in our church worked hard to house and feed the missionaries, pastors, and believers that participated in this event.  Pastors came from Tacna, Cusco, Lima, Huánuco, Ancash, Cajarmarca, Chiclayo, and Piura.  We all got together to be challenged about the Great Commission beneath this theme: “A Vision Without Borders.”  The Word of God motivated us to complete our work.  All of us who were there renewed our decision to server God carrying the gospel to many people.

To finish this report, I would like to ask you to pray for these requests:

1. My role as the head deacon. That God would give me wisdom to lead and power to preach the Word
2. For two trips I will take in November.  I will go to Paita to preach in a pastor’s conference and to Requena to train leaders.  May God protect me and use me to bless and build my brothers in Christ.
3. Trip to Uruguay.  In January of 2012, I will go to that country to preach and teach in an older youth camp and in a teen camp.  I would like to take my wife, and if possible, my kids.  May God give me the joy of going with my whole family or just with my wife!

Thank you for reading and for praying for what I’ve written here.

Segundo Rodríguez

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