jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Remarkable news on September 2013

I am always glad sharing with you, who pray and care, what God is letting me do for Him. In this note I will emphasize two events: my participation in the MEBIP 2013 Missionary Conference, and the Baptist Seminary of Peru On-the-Job-Training Week.

MEBIP 2013 Missionary Conference
On September 4-7, Horeb Baptist Church hosted this Conference. I participated sent by my home Church with two tasks: to represent my Church, and request the privilege to host the 2014 Conference at La Esperanza Baptist Church in Trujillo. My time in Lima was a great blessing.  The Word of God edified and challenged me.  Fellowship with missionaries and pastors was an encouragement for me.
I came back to Trujillo with good news for my Church:  the General Assembly approved our Church to host the 2014 Conference. I also was joyful to meet in Lima with my good friend Tim Chapman and friends from Gethsemane Baptist Church.  I was part of that Church during three years when I lived in Lima.
Here I share some pictures of this MEBIP 2013 Missionary Conference:

Baptist Seminary of Peru On-The-Job-Training Week
This special week took place on September 16-22.  My job was to organize the teams and their trips. Professors, students and some pastors grouped in 27 teams worked in 27 areas of our country.  We preached, taught, evangelized, counseled, spoke at schools, and challenged congregations to serve the Lord in these areas: Tarma, Lima, Huaraz, Chiclayo, Piura, Paita, Sullana, Talara, Cajamarca, Tarapoto and Iquitos.
I went to Salamanca Baptist Church in Lima, which is pastored by Pastor Walter Espinoza. My team consisted of Maryori (First year student), Jefferson (Fourth year student), my wife, and Elena (my youngest child).
We were lovely hosted by people of the Church. Their kindness and generosity touched us; we could see how they appreciate servants of the Lord. I praise the Lord because of the work and discipleship of Pastor Espinoza. It is a missionary Church: they pray for missionaries, the give for missions, they do missionary trips, and evangelize people around them. The testimony of this Church encouraged me… and challenged me.
On evenings we sang, and preached the Word of God.  We were focused on youth people, but all the Church was involved. Praise the Lord we saw some professions of faith, for instance: George Andrew Ccencho Tumbalobos. I heard recently that George is attending to the Church. Praise the Lord for this permanent fruit.
Here I share some pictures of our ministry at Salamanca Baptist Church: 
Finally, on September I kept ministering at La Esperanza Baptist Church, and teaching at Baptist Seminary of Peru. I started to teach the book of Revelation at my Church. I finished my study notes on the book of Acts as I teach that book at the Seminary. 
God has been faithful keeping my family. Each day we see His mercy on us. He is using us in spite of our weaknesses. He is providing opportunities to serve Him. There is nothing better than to have the Lord God as our God.
Thank you very much for helping us with your prayers.

With love, 
Segundo Rodríguez