viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

Update – May & June 2013 – Evangelist Segundo Rodriguez

Family. My wife is good partner. My children are growing and going ahead in their education and dedication to the Lord and His local church. We are not perfect, we are on our way I had joyful times because of my wife and children. My wife went with me to the rain forest and taught to the ladies. My son Noe played in a drama, and he acted gracefully. Andrew is learning to play guitar, and he is playing some songs. Elena is developing independence; she likes to spend time with other girls, and sometimes she looks like a small adult. I thank God for my family. They make my day, and help me to keep my feet on earth more often.

Ministry at local Church.  La Esperanza (Hope) Baptist Church is going through a critical time.  We are getting to know Pastor Juan Valderrama, who is candidate to be called as Pastor of the Church.  I spent several weeks teaching about Church’s responsibilities toward a Pastor.  Pastor Juan Valderrama will be ministering among us during all July.  Lord willing, the Church will meet on August 11 to make a decision about him.
Ministry at Baptist Seminary of Peru.  I help in this Seminary in two functions: Professor, and Director of Public Relations.  I am not satisfied with my performance; I think I could do more than I have done.  In Public Relations are I have the goal to involve more pastors and churches to be part of this ministry.  We depend on God, and on the support of churches & pastors; I know I could not improve that support.  I hope to do better in the following days.  As professor, in our second semester I will teach the book of Acts and Summary of Doctrine (an analytical course to fourth-year students).  I am working now in those courses.  I want to be a blessing to my students.
Ministry in other towns.  On May I traveled to Sullana city with a team from the Baptist Seminary of Peru.  We worked evangelizing, making disciples, and preaching at Divine Redeemer Baptist Church.  We went door to door, preached by open air services at streets, and taught at Church.  There were professions of faith.  On June I went to Sullana again to teach Hermeneutics and Homiletics to students at a Bible Institute of churches in that area.  On June, I also went to Santa Rosa, a rain forest town four hours from Tarapoto.  I went with my wife and other friends to teach and preach because of their anniversary.  In Santa Rosa there were several professions of faith in Christ; most of them were children.
Our Lord is using me; I thank Him for that.  I thank God for you who work “with me” by prayers and offerings.  May God richly bless you all always!!
Segundo Rodríguez