martes, 31 de diciembre de 2013

Outstanding News - December 2013

In December, I highlight three ministerial key facts:

Closing of the academic year at the Baptist Seminary of Peru. On Saturday December 7 ended our academic year. 6 males and 4 females: 10 students graduated. Pray for them, may God direct and greatly use them in His kingdom. Now, we, who minister at the Seminary, we have to work hard to prepare for classes the next year. Please pray for the preparation of workers here in this Seminary. In particular, ask God to raise up more laborers for His harvest.  This year that is ending we had 20 new students; on next year we would like to double that number. Your prayers will help us to achieve that desire.
Teaching pastors and leaders in Coletas. Coletas is a town in the district of Sapillica , in the mountains of Las Lomas, Piura. I went to the village to teach Church Administration, Pastoral Theology, Mission and Pastoral Epistles. It was tough teaching these introductory materials. There were a total of 27 students. God led me to this town for the first time. I enjoyed teaching and learning with pastors and leaders from that area. When I go to places like this, what impresses me is the simplicity of the people, the simplicity of their lives and their great interest in learning the Word of God. Several students walked more than five hours to get the place where classes were held. His sacrifice challenged me. My time with them and the word of God strengthened my faith and my desire to continue serving God in His kingdom.
The work of preparing the La Esperanza Baptist Church to welcome its new pastor. As told in a previous report, the church has chosen Pastor Juan Valderrama as our pastor. His ministry among us begin on January 1, 2014. On December, my concern and my biggest job is to prepare the spiritual and logistical environment for the arrival of our new Pastor. We are fixing the house for Pastor Valderrama and his family, and ending the third floor of the church. My preaching and teaching are focused on how the church should receive the pastor. I'm also talking a lot with Pastor Valderrama. In summary, I 'm trying to help as much as I can. Please help me with your prayers.
With love,
Segundo Rodríguez

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