I always delight in sharing
with you what God is doing in our lives. You are my family and my friends. Your
fellowship and appreciation are very important to me.
Ministry at Baptist Seminary of Peru. I am teaching the Life of Christ to
sophomores and Doctrinal Summaries to students of fourth year. Also, in my area
of Public Relations, I have organized the On-the-job-training Week at churches
of our fellowship. In total, we worked at 22 churches in 22 places. Mobilized
86 people: 57 students, 6 alumni, 6 brothers from churches and 17 pastors. God
gave us enough to cover the expenses generated by this trip. We have also
received messages of gratitude for the ministry we do during that week. There
were decisions for salvation, consecration and reconciliation. God led us, kept
us, used us, blessed us and we returned well to Trujillo. To God be the glory
in the church and each of His children forever!
Ministry in other churches. I preached at Calvary Baptist Church
of Lima, at Grace Baptist Church in Chimbote and Huaral Baptist Church in
Huaral city. In the first two congregations I preached The Word and I motivated
to fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to us. Also, I encouraged both
congregations to participate in the Seminary with prayer and offerings. I
talked to them about the need to pray to have more men and women who say to
God, "Here I am, send me" (Isaiah 6:8 ). In the Church of Huaral I
preached together with Seminary students who accompanied me. Our ministry was
held at the College that the church has. There were more than 450 students. We
all gave our testimony of salvation, we sang hymns to God before them and
explain to them the gospel. At the end there were many hands rose to express
they were deciding for Christ. Do not invite them to come forward because we
were in the classroom. What actually decided them? I do not know, but we
explained well the gospel and Jesus Christ which is essential to their lives.
We trust that God did and will do His work in them.
Ministry in my local church. Now I'm preaching and helping more in
my local church. Our pastor has asked me to visit missionaries and I am
starting to fulfill that responsibility. I've gone to Guayaquil to visit the
missionary we support. In June I will visit two missionaries. I am grateful to
God that our church has a full-time pastor. I'm also happy that I can help in
the area of missions. In June, our church will host the Missionary Congress
MEBIP Mission. Pray for us, please, to be a blessing to the missionaries and
all who come to our church during those days of conference. I am happy that my
local church is growing in its missionary involvement.
My family. Thankfully, within the everyday evils
that are inherent in this world, my family is well. My wife directs and cares
house and she is a great help there. Her work at church is valuable too; she
helps with the ladies and teens. Jesse Noah, my oldest son, plays guitar in the
church and is learning piano. Andres Segundo, my second son, is learning to
play the guitar. Elena Amada, my third and last child until today, has begun to
practice volleyball. In their studies, the three are fine. In the church, the
three participate enthusiastically. I'm happy with the family that God has
given me. What I wish is that they continue to serve God.
Thank you very mucho for
taking time to read and pray for my ministry, family and personal life! I want
to continue serving God in the meantime I am on this earth and you are of great
help to fulfill my desire. God bless you!
With love,
Segundo Rodríguez
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