miércoles, 23 de julio de 2014

June 2014 Update

Leneida and I in our anniversary 14
As Paul did (1 Timothy 1:12-17), I begin this report by thanking God for giving me the privilege of being His son and to serve Him in His work, in spite of my sinful past and my imperfect and often little fervent present. I have only to thank, honor and praise God for His good willingness to me and my family. God is good (Luke 18:18-19), good, good. I can never stop seeing God as a good God. His work of salvation through Jesus, His sanctifying work through the Holy Spirit, and His providential care amaze me daily. Only I have to love and serve Him wholeheartedly. Following is a summary of what God has allowed me to perform in June:

Ministry at my local church. Our pastor has the aim for us to come to know better to missionaries we support and the work they perform. I am very happy with this goal and initiative. My contentment is greater because it gave me the privilege of visiting two of our missionaries: Missionary Teodoro Berna, who ministers in Chepén, and missionary Luis Escobar, who ministers in Tarapoto.
Teodoro with his family.
13 people from our church visited to Teodoro Bern and his family. Everyone living at my home participated in this visit. We gave our testimonies, praised God and shared God's word with the missionary family and siblings of this new church. Also, we had a time of fellowship with missionary Teodoro and his family. It was very uplifting to participate in this trip.
Luis Escobar and his wife and I in Tarapoto.
When I went to Tarapoto I visited to Luis Escobar and his family. I met him and his wife and I went to his house. My wife and my son Noah accompanied me on this visit. I loved every witness and work of this missionary. He is working with few resources, but in a year of work he has a congregation of between 15 to 20 people. His work is a challenge for me and for others. If you want to do God's work and you really work, God will bless you and give fruit. I ask prayers for this servant and his family.
The presentation of the missionaries front to the church.
The time of food was a good time!
In June, our church sponsored and hosted the Mission Congress MEBIP. We prepared to host and feed leaders, missionaries and delegates who are part of this mission. Thank God, he provided enough. People from our church and other churches opened their homes and gave offerings for this event. It's beautiful when the children of God will show his appreciation for the work of God in this way. The classes, preaching and praise were very motivating. Evening services were well attended. There was not enough space for everyone within our temple. We have been very blessed and challenged with this congress. My wife and other ladies of the church worked hard in Congress. I thank God for them and all those who served God by serving His servants during those days. Help us with your prayers that the fruit of this Congress is accretive and have more workers and churches committed to the great commission.
Santos García a missionary for vocation!
Ministry in Santa Rosa, Shamboyacu, Tarapoto. I went to this town with my wife and my son Noah. For Noah, it was his first ministry trip. He played guitar on the services and assisted the teacher of children with songs and lessons. My wife taught women and I taught men and preached in the evenings. It was our second time with the brothers in this town. The church in the village was formed by Brother Santos Garcia. I know the brother Santos since 1988, which was the year I started to preach. I met him in the village of Ochamé in Moyobamba. Santos moved to Santa Rosa from Ochamé about 8 years ago. When he arrived, he saw that he had to preach the gospel. When he began to preach, God blessed his ministry and today is a thriving church in that remote village of Peru. God bless Brother Santos and those like him. It is because of believers as the Santos brothers that the kingdom of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ is extended and will continue to spread.
I taught biblical principles for a married in the Lord!
Ministry for the Baptist Seminary of Peru. I am still teaching and directing the Public Relations area of the BSP. I finished teaching “Life of Jesus Christ” and my course of “Doctrinal Summary”. All my students passed the courses. That makes me happy. The Seminar has extension courses in Sullana. The courses are held for 8 hours every third Saturday of the month. This time I had to teach an overview of “Church History” and “Basic Biblical Principles To Build A Good Family”. Please continue to pray for my ministry in the BSP. In the second half of the year I will teach the book of Acts. Also, pray for my work to promote the ministry of this Seminary among the churches. In Sullana, I presented our ministry in three churches. I'm glad churches appreciate, pray, make offerings, and send students to be trained in our ministry.
I am presenting the ministry of Seminary in the churches.
1. I thank God for His salvation through Jesus Christ and His constant merciful care. 
2. I thank God for the privilege of serving Him, and for prayers, offerings and ministry opportunities that His children give to me. 
3. I Thank God for my wife and my children, who are growing every day and cooperate with me in ministry. 
4. I thank God for the ministry of the Baptist Seminary of Peru and pastors, missionaries and churches who pray, give offerings, send students to be trained, and give ministerial opportunities to our ministry.

Best regards,
Segundo Rodríguez

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

Segundo Rodríguez –Ministerial Update – May 2014

I always delight in sharing with you what God is doing in our lives. You are my family and my friends. Your fellowship and appreciation are very important to me.

Ministry at Baptist Seminary of Peru. I am teaching the Life of Christ to sophomores and Doctrinal Summaries to students of fourth year. Also, in my area of Public Relations, I have organized the On-the-job-training Week at churches of our fellowship. In total, we worked at 22 churches in 22 places. Mobilized 86 people: 57 students, 6 alumni, 6 brothers from churches and 17 pastors. God gave us enough to cover the expenses generated by this trip. We have also received messages of gratitude for the ministry we do during that week. There were decisions for salvation, consecration and reconciliation. God led us, kept us, used us, blessed us and we returned well to Trujillo. To God be the glory in the church and each of His children forever!
Ministry in other churches. I preached at Calvary Baptist Church of Lima, at Grace Baptist Church in Chimbote and Huaral Baptist Church in Huaral city. In the first two congregations I preached The Word and I motivated to fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to us. Also, I encouraged both congregations to participate in the Seminary with prayer and offerings. I talked to them about the need to pray to have more men and women who say to God, "Here I am, send me" (Isaiah 6:8 ). In the Church of Huaral I preached together with Seminary students who accompanied me. Our ministry was held at the College that the church has. There were more than 450 students. We all gave our testimony of salvation, we sang hymns to God before them and explain to them the gospel. At the end there were many hands rose to express they were deciding for Christ. Do not invite them to come forward because we were in the classroom. What actually decided them? I do not know, but we explained well the gospel and Jesus Christ which is essential to their lives. We trust that God did and will do His work in them.

Ministry in my local church. Now I'm preaching and helping more in my local church. Our pastor has asked me to visit missionaries and I am starting to fulfill that responsibility. I've gone to Guayaquil to visit the missionary we support. In June I will visit two missionaries. I am grateful to God that our church has a full-time pastor. I'm also happy that I can help in the area of missions. In June, our church will host the Missionary Congress MEBIP Mission. Pray for us, please, to be a blessing to the missionaries and all who come to our church during those days of conference. I am happy that my local church is growing in its missionary involvement.

My family. Thankfully, within the everyday evils that are inherent in this world, my family is well. My wife directs and cares house and she is a great help there. Her work at church is valuable too; she helps with the ladies and teens. Jesse Noah, my oldest son, plays guitar in the church and is learning piano. Andres Segundo, my second son, is learning to play the guitar. Elena Amada, my third and last child until today, has begun to practice volleyball. In their studies, the three are fine. In the church, the three participate enthusiastically. I'm happy with the family that God has given me. What I wish is that they continue to serve God.

Thank you very mucho for taking time to read and pray for my ministry, family and personal life! I want to continue serving God in the meantime I am on this earth and you are of great help to fulfill my desire. God bless you!
With love,

Segundo Rodríguez

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Segundo Rodríguez – Ministerial Update – April 2014

During the days that have passed since my last update, I have preached the Word of God and promoted the call to ministry in 7 churches, and taught Interpretation of the Bible to church workers that is next to my house and workers of the Requena city and surroundings. I have also started teaching at the Baptist Seminary of Peru and I have developed my role as Director of Public Relations.
Of the 7 churches that ministered two are in Trujillo, three in Lima and two in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Beside of preaching the Word of God, I introduced to those churches our ministry of training leaders at Baptist Seminary of Peru. I talked with pastors and people with desire to be prepared at our Seminary. In Ecuador, there were a couple and a young woman who expressed this interest. In Lima, a 16-year-old girl also expressed interest. There were others who showed 'something' of interest. We will see what God does in them. Jesus commanded, "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Matthew 9:38). We have to obey and continue praying for this need. May more people respond positively to the call to serve God's work.
The leadership training I am doing at Roca Fuerte (Strong rock) Church (which is next to my house) is very important. I want this church to be strong and have a good ministry in my neighborhood, so I am helping. Pray for that, please.

As is usual for several years ago, I went to Requena to train workers. This time I traveled with my wife, and Pastor Walter Espinoza and his wife who is a doctor. Pastor Espinoza and I worked preparing workers. He taught the book of Colossians to a group of 7 workers. I taught Principles and Methods of Interpretation of the Bible to 19 workers. Dr. Mericia Espinoza checked more than one hundred patients. They were also given medication and it was my wife who helped with this. It is always a blessing to go to Requena to serve our brothers in Christ. This time, the blessing was greater because they were provided with medical aid and medicines. I thank God for those who prayed and gave for our ministry there.
My ministry at Baptist Seminary of Peru continues. I am teaching “Life of Christ” to the sophomores, who are thirteen. I am reaching my goals as Director of Public Relations. Lord willing, in May, the Seminary will visit 22 churches. I'm happy that pastors and churches are always supporting our ministry. Students going to churches to serve is very important, and churches which invite Seminary groups do a great work by giving them the opportunity to minister and learn on-the-job.

Thanks for taking time to read, watch photos and pray for the ministry that I do for God. 

With appreciation and brotherhood,
Segundo Rodríguez

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

My last days in Uruguay

Overall, my family and I stayed 32 days in Uruguay. A summary of my first 20 days can be read by clicking this link:

In my last days in Uruguay, I preached at camp families, at Montevideo fair, at Siloam Church, and Gethsemane Church. Also, they took me to visit the city of Punta del Este. Finally, I preached at the opening of the Uruguay School of Biblical Studies.
In camp families, I taught under this question: How do I build a strong and joyful family before God and men? Basically, enlist the biblical keys and principles essential to achieving this home: The need to fear God and be totally dependent on Him, obedience to the Bible, the determination to build that kind of home, how essential is that each member of the family fulfill its biblical role, and forgiveness as essential to build a good family. I learned and was challenged with these messages. Thank to the Lord, there were several participants who approached me to manifest how those lessons helped them. Praise God for that!
At the fair in Montevideo, I preached on why Christians speak of Christ wherever we are. I presented Jesus as the only mediator and savior of men. In this fair, missionaries and workers founders of the Evangelical Mission of Uruguay began to evangelize and disciple in this country many years ago. They have a place there that put brochures, Christian books, addresses of congregations; they spread tracts and preach the gospel of Jesus. It was a blessing to preach there. Some passersby stopped to listen, others only came at us with curiosity and a few, stopped their ears from hearing. The Evangelical Mission of Uruguay always has people preaching there. Pray for them, that God will continue helping them to share Jesus with others.

I exposed John 12:26 at Siloam church. I talked about serving God. Christians in general must serve God in every area of our life. Also, I encouraged some to pursue God to be pastors, missionaries and evangelists. I saw a good reception to this message. May God make his people look like his servant and to have men and women who engage in ministry!
In Gethsemane church I preached on the need to participate in fulfilling the Great Commission 1) testifying with voice and life wherever one is, 2) praying for laborers for the harvest, for the workers who are already in the work and for the salvation of people everywhere, and 3) giving for missionary and evangelistic and discipling work they perform. It was a blessing to motivate my brothers with this topic!

We had a time for sightseeing; we saw the wonderful coastline that has Uruguay thanks to Rio de la Plata and the Atlantic Ocean. My family enjoyed this beautiful time with two families: Carlos and Beatriz, from Pando, and Peter, Patricia and Maxi, their son. We took many pictures and ate well. Thank God for refreshment time with these good brothers and friends!
On Monday afternoon and evening, I participated in a momentous historical event: the opening of the School of Biblical Studies of Uruguay (Febu). It was a historical event according to the testimony of pastors and missionaries involved in this emerging School. For them, this training center is a dream whose realization has been dormant for many years ago. I felt very honored to participate in this event. I had the privilege to preach the word of God to the founders and teachers. Basically, I encouraged them to imitate Ezra by studying, teaching and obeying the word of God. After my time with the professors, I preached at the opening service. Sadly, I did not take pictures, but you can visit the website of Febu to see some pictures and learn a little more.

I began my return to Peru in the early hours of Tuesday March 11. My heart has been strengthened in the faith because of what God is doing in Uruguay through His children. I pray to God the Father of Jesus Christ to continue to work in that beautiful little country.

Finally, I request prayers for Maykol Techera, who is Uruguayan and is already studying at the Baptist Seminary of Peru. Ask God formed him as a servant and his Peruvian Christians we be a blessing for him.

Thank you very much for working with me and my family in Uruguay you’re your prayers and offerings.

With love of Jesus,
Segundo Rodríguez

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Summary of my early days in Uruguay

We have been in Uruguay for 20 days. My family and I are enjoying the companionship, the hospitality, and the work of God in this part of the world. Let me share with you what we have done so far.
These last three days we have taught the Book of Acts to the men and women of the Evangelical Mission Uruguay (MEU). I taught the book based on its content and missionary challenge. The theme I shared was: The Book of Acts as an inspired manual for Christians to fulfill the Great Commission locally, nationally, and globally. I enjoyed teaching my brothers and sisters in this country. The workers of this mission are doing a good job and I'm sure they will do much better over time. It has been a privilege to know and to grow with them these days. God bless and keep using them greatly!
I have preached in children’s camp. It was a big challenge and I turned to God for help. The counselors told me that several children made ​​decisions for Christ. Glory to God for children!
I have preached in 7 different churches since arriving. I encouraged the people to fulfill the Great Commission and pray for God to raise up more workers. Was there fruit? Yes, I know of three people who accepted Jesus. Also, a young man named Maykol will go to Peru this March 13, to study at the Baptist Seminary of Peru. Also, there is another young man who will keep in contact with me and we will pray for each other throughout this year. If God leads and calls him, he will also come to Peru to study at the seminary. Glory to God!
I have met several good servants and handmaidens of God. I am happy that God has workers here. There is hope for Uruguay to be reached with the gospel of Christ because of these servants of God. We must pray for more workers and for churches here to continue to grow, so that the church here will have more workers, more resources, and more prayers and be able to fulfill the Great Commission by reaching Uruguay and the world.
I also rested and ​​toured in this beautiful country.
You, who have contributed to this trip by words of encouragement, or with offerings or prayers, share in both the work and the result that is being achieved here during my visit.
I will preach in several more churches, teach at the family camp, and teach in the new Bible College in the 12 days I have remaining in this country. Please keep us in your prayers.
Thank you and God bless you abundantly, my brothers in Christ!

With love,
Segundo Rodriguez

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

January News and Prayer for preaching trip to Uruguay

This year 2014 I have as goals: 1) promote among churches intense pray that God will send more laborers into his harvest (Matthew 9:37-38) 2) preach and teach the call to ministry (Isaiah 6:8) and 3) call on men and women from the churches to engage in the ministry of preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and the word of God (1 Corinthians 9:13, 16).
On last month God has given me the opportunity to start meeting the three goals in 12 churches and a youth camp. I preached and taught in two churches in Trujillo (Bethel and La Esperanza), a church in Piura (Adonai), four churches in Paita (Maranatha, Bethel, Eternal Life and “Jesus my Savior”) and four churches in Lima (Canta, Retablo, Musa and Gethsemane).
Thank God, I have seen good reception among the churches. Several pastors who recognize that the topics I'm sharing have been "forgotten" and "delayed". Also, I have seen the brethren of the churches take the challenge to pray for laborers for the harvest in their personal time. I have also had discussions with young men who have asked me questions about being a pastor or missionary.

I'm happy to have added these goals to the total ministry of evangelist to which God has called me. I pray God to move the hearts of those who hear me to devote themselves to the ministry and thus supply what pastors and missionaries in Peru and other countries.
On the other hand, in my work for the Baptist Seminary of Peru, I have the goal that more pastors and churches appreciate, trust, pray, make offerings, send students, and see us as co-workers in their ministries. Our Seminary has 42 years of ministry and has been a great instrument to train pastors and missionaries. We want to be useful to God, the churches and the world. Help us praying. We need double what God has given us here so that we can more effectively fulfill our ministry.

In my local church, which already has Pastor Juan Valderrama as pastor of the church, the transition to his ministry is going normally and with great expectation. The church has mood and there are many more people who are attending again. Pastors are very important to the vitality of a church. I am glad that our church has a pastor. Pray for Pastor Juan Valderrama and our church.  May God help us to fulfill the Great Commission together!

Finally, I request your prayers for my trip to Uruguay. I'll be in that country since February 7 to March 11. I will preach and teach in a boys camp, workers camp, families camp, a new faculty of theology and several churches. I will be very busy during the week and during the weekends... I like it a lot. Pray for me, for God's wisdom and power to preach and teach His word.

Thank to the Lord, my family will be with me. I'm sure as a family, we will enjoy a great and blessed time. It will be our first international trip as a family. Thank you for working with us by your prayers and offerings. We want to be a blessing to our brothers and friends of this small but secularized country in this part of the world.

With love,
Segundo Rodríguez

miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

Blessed year 2014 to you and three requests of prayer

Dear Friends
A happy and prosperous 2014 to you and your families. God bless you and keep you in His will in this 2014. Numbers 6:24-26 have my wishes for you and your families.
I share with you three prayer requests:

1. Family mission trip to Uruguay. February 7 to March 11, 2014 I will be traveling to Uruguay with my whole family. I will preach in two camps, a faculty of theology and several Churches. Some of you have asked me if I always travel with my family to preach. This will be the first time that the whole family travels together to another country. I ask your prayers for us, so we can be a blessing to our brothers in that country. Pray also for provision for expenses this trip demands.

2. La Esperanza Baptist Church. From January 1, 2014, the Church I am a member has a pastor. As you know, I have been leading the church since 2011. I thank God for His mercy to give us a Pastor who was born and raised in our Church. I believe that the ministry of Pastor Juan Valderrama among us will be prosperous. Pray for him and his family. May the Lord help him to guide us toward the fulfillment of God's will. Pray also for the church to be a church pastored with joy, as Hebrews 13:17 says .

3.  My ministry at the Baptist Seminary of Peru. This is a big challenge. The Seminary has trained over 700 workers since its founding in 1972. Many of them are now pastors and missionaries in several churches in my country. We also have graduates pastoring churches in other countries. As you see, I need much prayer to do the work which is under my responsibility. Apart from teaching and other tasks, my primary responsibility is public relations. This involves visits to pastors, churches, pastors meetings, etc. This responsibility is complementary and relevant to my ministry as an evangelist. Please help me with your prayers.

Thank you very much for being my friends and co-workers in the work of God. If you want to read news from the last three months of 2013, please review this blog.

God bless you greatly.
With love,

Segundo Rodriguez